บริษัทหลักทรัพย์ กรุงศรี จำกัด (มหาชน)
Open account for New Client
Qualifications for opening an account with Krungsri Securities Public Company Limited
  • Age 20 years old, Thai nationality and residence in Thailand.
  • No relationship with an American person
Request opening new account for new client

2 options for account opening
Prepare Required Documents

The following documents are required with your signature.
  • Certified copy of ID card or passport (for non-resident)
  • Certified copy of house registration
  • Certified copy of the first page of bank statement (ATS)
  • 30 Baht Duty Stamp คลิกเพื่อดูข้อมูลอากรแสตมป์
Note : 1 set of accounting documents can be used to open different types of accounts or prepare documents as recommended by officer.
Create Username

Step 1 : After your account has been completely opened, your "Trading Account Code" will be submitted to your e-mail address.

Step 2 : Create your Username with your "Trading Account Code"