บริษัทหลักทรัพย์ กรุงศรี จำกัด (มหาชน)

Krungsri Securities iFUND

KSS is willing to offer new services “Krungsri Securities iFUND” trading system integrated units through the Internet platform to increase convenience allows you to purchase mutual fund units in leading Asset Management Companies. Manually in one place.


  • Convenience: buying, selling and switching mutual funds from variety of Asset Management Companies which are representative by KSS.
  • Easy and safety when placing order on an Internet access.
  • Summary investment portfolio and monitoring the investment realtime.
  • Neutral selection funds by mutual fund analyst and weekly recommendation funds report.
  • New IPO funds are provided.
  • Online Information Services such as performance, investment policy and historical data, so investors can find the easily.

Trading Tool


Krungsri Securities iFUND

Krungsri Stock Expert


What’s next in Krungsri Securities iFUND Service?

At the moment, KSS provides 2 type of Account Services:

omnibus account

Descriptions Selling Agent Omnibus Account
1. Opening Account Depending on AMCs KSS Omnibus Account Opening form (Open only once, place order any home sset management)
2. Buy/ Sell/ Switch order Depending on AMCs Via internet/ KSS forms
3. Payment channel Payable to Fund subscription account Payable to KSS account (ATS)
4. Fees Following Prospectus Following Prospectus
5. Balance/ Monthly statement Depending on AMCs KSS summaries investment portfolio

* The sale conditions according to the prospectus and regulations of the service procedures of the company.

risk spectrum

Source : https://www.smarttoinvest.com/Pages/Investment%20Knowledge/risk-spectrum.aspx

Investment contains some degree of risks, the investor should study the fund’s prospectus before investing.